

Specialized Programs

Specialized Programs


Homeopaths believe that good health derives from an equilibrium between the mind and body, which is maintained by a “vital force” that regulates the body’s self-healing capabilities.


Fertility Program


Having trouble getting pregnant? Been on the contraceptive pill too long? Tried IVF? Suffer from an Irregular Menstrual cycle? Emotions unbalanced? Homeopathy can help you with a gentle, natural homeopathic programme to get you & your hormones balanced. Homeopathy also works on your state of mind & the emotional stress caused by the inbalance in natural hormones. I have seen the changes in women once this happens and they go on to live happier lives, & husbands/partners definitly notice a difference.

  • Stress levels reduce, sleep improves, balances emotional rollercoasters.
  • Programme can also include the male partner.
  • Give Homeopathy a try it will be well worth it!


Homoeopathy can be used to treat three different scenarios of ill-health:


Constitutional Homeopathy:

This type of Homoeopathy refers to the treatment of the whole person taking all their symptoms and characteristics on the physical, emotional and mental planes. When well prescribed, homeopathic medicines and remedies can cause a profound healing response in an individual and be very effective in treating long-term and chronic problems.


First Aid Homeopathy:

Homoeopathy is highly effective and safe in treatment of common ailments such as bruising, inflammation, minor burns and minor skin reactions (such as nappy rash or insect bites).


Acute Homeopathy:

Acute health problems are self limiting disease states that will eventually get better on their own such as the common cold. Homoeopathy seeks to minimize the impact of the more severe symptoms (such as alleviating a dry, painful cough) and is very safe without any harmful side effects.





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